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State Key Laboratory of Environmental and Biological Analysis(Hong Kong Baptist University)


Dr. Zhao Chao, Post-Doc research fellow of SKLEBA awarded Your Scientist Travel Award

Dr. Zhao Chao, Post-doc research fellow of SKLEBA, awarded Your Scientist Travel Award in the 7th Asia-Oceania Mass Spectrometry Conference (AOMSC) 2017 on December 13-17, 2017 in Singapore. Dr. Zhao presented an invited talk at the conference titled “Multi-omics and spatial imaging analysis reveal toxicological mechanisms of bisphenol F in breast cancer xenografts”. Bisphenol F (BPF) is a major alternative to bisphenol (BPA) and has been widely used. Although BPA exposure is known to generate various toxic effects, toxicity of BPF remains under-explored. In the study, a comprehensive method involving mass spectrometry (MS)-based global lipidomics, metabolomics, proteomics and three-dimensional matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization-Imaging MS (3D-MALDI-IMS) was used to study the toxic effects of BPF and the underlying mechanisms on breast cancer xeno grafts.